Cookies Policy

Like many web sites, we use Google Analytics to improve how our web site functions for our customers. This also involves the use of cookies but does not use any personally identifiable information.

Please see below for a list of cookies used on our website. Whilst we’ll endeavour to keep this list updated, the list may become outdated if third parties change their cookies without notifying us.

There are two types of cookies used on our website:

First party cookies: these are our own cookies, controlled by us and used to run the shopping cart system & provide information about usage of our site.

Third party cookies: these are cookies found in other companies’ internet tools which we are using to enhance our site, for example Google, Facebook and Twitter have their own cookies, which are controlled by them.

First Party Cookies

Name Purpose
PHPSESSID Used by the site to identify a specific user session. Expires at the end of the session.
site_csrf_cookie Used to help protect our site against spam form submissions.
statement_session Used to store additional information about a user session.

Third Party Cookies

Name Purpose
Cookies with names prefixed by __utm Stores information used by Google Analytics to track user activity on the site.
pid, k, guest_id, _twitter_sess, original_referer, external_referer, js Twitter cookies which allow sharing of a page on Twitter.
datr, lu, s, locale, c_user, xs Facebook cookies which allow sharing of a page on Facebook
NID, PREF Google+ cookies which allow sharing of a page on Google+
WTJ Insurance

Landmark House, 556 Leeds Road,
Outwood, Wakefield, WF1 2DX

Call: 01924 871 111