Cyber Liability


Almost all businesses rely on computer systems to store information electronically whether it’s online activity, emails, payroll or interactive websites. Yet many businesses do not consider the potential liabilities they are exposed to as a result of this.

Our cyber liability insurance is specifically designed to help you manage and control the impact of a cyber breach and get you back to business as usual.

There are many areas of risk you need to consider when it comes to cyber liability, including:

  • hackers
  • malware
  • poor IT controls
  • data breaches as a result of outside providers with inadequate security
  • backdoor intrusion into the business through employees social networking accounts
  • negligent employees sending incorrect data, losing hardware or falling victim to phishing attacks
  • employees stealing hardware or data to gain competitive advantage
  • employees accessing company data through their own smartphones or tablets

Cyber Liability Insurance specifically addresses these types of risk; risks that other types of business liability cover won’t and with reliance on technology showing no sign of abating, new exposures will continue to emerge.

Get in Touch

If you would like a quotation then please contact us today on 01924 871111 and a member of our specialist team will be happy to assist you.

Alternatively, use our contact form below and we’ll be in touch to help.

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WTJ Insurance

Landmark House, 556 Leeds Road,
Outwood, Wakefield, WF1 2DX

Call: 01924 871 111